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  4. Content of exported data file

Content of exported data file

Here is a short description of the metrics contained in the csv data files exported from the study portal. You can refer to these articles to learn how to export data from the portal and what are the different data types.

Raw data files

In each raw data file, the first column contains a Unix timestamp in milliseconds and the second column shows the corresponding date and time in a readable text format.

PPG files

CardioWatch 287-2B

The color of the LED appears in the name of the csv file. It can also be derived from the metric_id column:

Metric IDLED
0x7binfra red

The value column gives the output value of the PPG sensor, comprised in the range [0; 65535]. The led and gain columns give the LED power and gain applied during the measurement. The LED power is a percentage, and the gain is a factor between 1 and 3.

CardioWatch 287-1B

This file contains the following metrics:

Vital ParameterColumn name in csv fileUnit
PPGppgPPG green sensor value
Magnitude of the acceleration
Value of the X-axis, in 1/64 g
Value of the Y-axis, in 1/64 g
Value of the Z-axis, in 1/64 g
Pulse ratebpm
Number of beats per minute
Quality level from 0: very low to 4: very good

The magnitude of the acceleration is computed as follows:

acc = sqrt( accx2 + accy2 + accz2 )

The sampling rate for both PPG green and accelerometer sensors is 25 Hz.

ECG file

The ecg column gives the output value of the ECG sensor in mV. The sampling rate is 256 Hz.

This file is not supported for 287-1B.

ACC file

The accX, accY and accZ columns give the output values of the 3-axis accelerometer, in the unit of 1/512 g. The accelerometer is configured to measure acceleration in the range of [ -8 g; +8 g ].

Note that for the CardioWatch 287-1B, the accelerometer data are exported in the PPG file.


The value column represents the output of the calibrated sensor, which is a conductance value expressed in the unit of 100 picosiemens. The sampling rate is 25 Hz.

This file is not supported for 287-1B.

Vital parameters files

In each data file, the first column contains a Unix timestamp in milliseconds and the second column shows the corresponding date and time in a readable text format.


The activity file contains a summary of many metrics provided by the CardioWatch system, as well as some information regarding the bracelet status. Here are the main ones.

Vital ParameterColumn name in csv fileUnit
Pulse ratebpm
Number of beats per minute
Quality level from 0: very low to 4: very good
Respiration raterespiration_rate
Number of breaths per minute
Quality level from 0: very low to 4: very good
Pulse oximetry in %
Quality level from 0: very low to 4: very good
Number of steps
Type of activity: 0: unspecified, 1: other,
2: walk, 4: run, 6: cycle, 7: rest
Energyenergy_expTotal energy expenditure in cals

Bracelet statusColumn name in csv fileUnit
Battery level estimatebatteryBattery level in %
Wearing statuswearingFrom 0: not wearing bracelet to 4: wearing bracelet

RR intervals

The rr column shows the interval between successive peaks of the heart beat in millisecond.


The workout file contains the data associated to workout sessions. Some of the fields are identical to those of the activity file (see Activity section above). Additional information might be available, depending on the type of activity selected by the user and the session duration.

ParameterColumn name in csv fileUnit
VO2 maxvo2_maxmL/kg/min
Cardio fitness indexcfiFrom 1 to 100
GPS coordinate latitude
GPS coordinate longitude
GPS estimated speed


The sleep_state column gives the sleep state and the sleep_q column shows the quality factor associated to this state. Here are the different sleep stages corresponding to the states: 1: awake, 2: light sleep, 3: deep sleep, 4: REM sleep.


ParameterColumn name in csv fileNoteUnit
All day long, 287-2B only
Only at night


EmoGraphy metricColumn name in csv fileRange
Stress level skin conductancestress_skin
0 to 1000
0 to 4
Cognitive zonecz0 to 3
Predictive cognitive zonepcz0 to 3
Predictive cognitive zone timepcztTime in minutes
Cognitive zone in one hourczh0 to 3
Cortisol contributioncc
0 to 4

Please refer to the EmoGraphy article for further information.

This file is not supported for 287-1B.

Data dictionary

For more details, you can also browse the Corsano Data Dictionary file below:

File/CallVariableDescriptionSourceTypeUnitSampling RateComments
user-devicesdevice_typebracelet typeFWstringNAOn demand
user-devicesserial_numberbracelet serial numberFWstringNAOn demand
user-devicesfirmware_versionbracelet firmware versionFWstringNAOn demand
user-devicesbattery_levelcurrent bracelet battery percentageFWNumber%On demand
activitydateDate time of the measuremet in local timeAPPstringyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmOn demand
activitybpmPulse rateFWNumberbpm1/min, 1/10s, 1/s
activitybpm_qQuality of the pulse rateFWNumber0-41/min, 1/10s, 1/s(0:very low, 1:low, 2:fair, 3:good, 4:very good)
activitylast_stepsNumber of steps in the last period FWNumbersteps count1/min, 1/10s, 1/sThe period depends on the selected sampling rate
activityactivity_typeActivity typeFWNumber0-71/min, 1/10s, 1/s(0:UNSPECIFIED, 1:OTHER, 2:WALK, 3:Reserved, 4:RUN, 5:Reserved, 6:CYCLE, 7:REST)
activityenergy_expEnergy expenditureFWNumbercal1/min, 1/10s, 1/s
activityrespiration_raterespiration rateFWNumberbrpm1/30min, 1/10s, 1/s
activityresp_qQuality of the Respiration rate measurement FWNumber0-41/30min, 1/10s, 1/s(0:very low, 1:low, 2:fair, 3:good, 4:very good)
activityphaA-Fib FWNumber0-21/30s(Range: [0-25], 0:Other, 1:Atrial fibrillation (AFIB), 10:no A-Fib result available, other values:Unspecified)
activitypha_qQuality of the Afib assessment FWNumber0-41/30s(Range: [0-25], 0:very low, 1:low, 2:fair, 3:good, 4:very good, 25:no A-Fib result available, other values: Unspecified)
activitywearingWearing status FWNumber0-41/min, 1/10s, 1/s(0:not wearing, 1:Reserved, 2:Reserved, 3:Reserved, 4:wearing for sure)
activitybatteryBattey Level percentage corresponding to the sample time (date time of the measurement)FWNumber%1/min, 1/10s, 1/s
activitystep_caloriesCalories count based on steps countAPPNumberCalories1/min, 1/10s, 1/s
activityspo2SPO2 in percentageFWNumber%1/30min, 1/s
activityspo2_qQuality of the SPO2 measurementFWNumber0-41/30min, 1/s(0:very low, 1:low, 2:fair, 3:good, 4:very good)
sleeptimestampUnix time in msAPPNumberms1/min
sleepdateDate time of the measuremet in local timeAPPstringyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm1/min
sleepsleep_stateSleep state APPNumber1-41/min(1:Awake, 2:Light, 3:Deep, 4:REM)
sleepsleep_qQuality of Sleep State measurementAPPNumber0-41/min(0:very low, 1:low, 2:fair, 3:good, 4:very good)
hrvtimestampUnix time in msCloudNumberms1/5min
hrvdateDate time of the measuremet in local timeCloudstringyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm1/5min
hrvbeatsNumber of beats in a sliding window of 5 minutesCloudNumberNumber of beats1/5min
hrvmrrMean RRCloudNumberms1/5min
hrvsdnnStandard deviation of NN intervalsCloudNumberms1/5min
hrvrmssdRMS of successive RR interval differencesCloudNumberms1/5min
hrvpnn50Percentage of successive RR intervals that differ by more than 50 msCloudNumber%1/5min
hrvhfPower of high frequency bandCloudNumberNA1/5min
hrvlfPower of low frequency bandCloudNumberNA1/5min
hrvvlfPower of very low frequency bandCloudNumberNA1/5min
hrvsiStress indexCloudNumber1/s21/5min
hrvsinStress index normalizedCloudNumber%1/5min
hrvsicStress index colourCloudstringNA1/5min
rr_intervalsdateDate time of the measuremet in local timeAPPstringyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmNA
rr_intervalstimestampUnix timestampFWNumbermsNA
rr_intervalsrrbeat interval ( the time distance between two consecuitive beats)FWNumbermsNAWhen signal quality is not good, no RR interval value is given.
temperaturetimestampUnix time in msFWNumberms1/min, 1/10s, 1/s
temperaturedateDate time of the measuremet in local timeAPPstringyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm1/min, 1/10s, 1/s
temperaturetemp_sk1Temperature #1FWNumberCelsius/1001/min, 1/10s, 1/sCW287-1: Temperature 1=empty field
CW287-2: Temperature 1=Core Body Temperature (day and night)
temperaturetemp_sk2Temperature #2FWNumberCelsius/1001/min, 1/10s, 1/sCW287-1: Temperature 2=skin temperature during the Sleep
CW287-2: Temperature 2=skin temperature during the Sleep
emographytimestampTimestamp of the measuremet FWNumberms1/minEmography data are based on skin conductance measurements
emographydateDate time of the measuremet in local timeAPPstringyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm1/min
emographyczcognitive zoneFWNumber0-31/min( 0: Undefined, 1: Under Stimulated, 2: Balanced, 3: Over Stimulated)
emographypczPredictive Cognitive ZoneFWNumber0-31/minNext Cognitive Zone ( 0: Undefined, 1: Under Stimulated, 2: Balanced, 3: Over Stimulated)
emographypcztPredictive Cognitive Zone Transition Time (transition time to next state pcz)FWNumberminutes1/min
emographyczhCognitive Zone in One HourFWNumber0-31/min( 0: Undefined, 1: Under Stimulated, 2: Balanced, 3: Over Stimulated)
emographyccCortisol ContributionFWNumberNA1/min
emographyqualityquality of cognitive zoneFWNumber0-41/min(0:very low, 1:low, 2:fair, 3:good, 4:very good)
emographystress_skinStress level based on Skin conductance FWNumber0-10001/min(0-1000)
emographystress_skin_qualityQuality of Stress LevelFWNumber0-41/min(0:very low, 1:low, 2:fair, 3:good, 4:very good)
acctimeUnix time in msFWNumberms32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
accmetric_idmetric ID of acc metric, always equals 0x2BFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
accchunk_indexThe chunk index of the measurment. This field is used by Corsano Cloud to check the consistency of the collected data FWNumber0-25532Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
accqualityalways set to 4FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
accbody_poseThe body position of the bracelet.FWNumberNA32Hz / 128Hz(0 unspecified, 1: left hand, 2:right hand) - From User Settings
accaccXthe axis X accelerometer valuesFWNumbersee comment32Hz / 128Hz cw2872-2b: the range is -8 to +8g while the unit is 1/512 g per count
accaccYthe axis Y accelerometer valuesFWNumbersee comment32Hz / 128Hz cw2872-2b: the range is -8 to +8g while the unit is 1/512 g per count
accaccZthe axis Z accelerometer valuesFWNumbersee comment32Hz / 128Hz cw2872-2b: the range is -8 to +8g while the unit is 1/512 g per count
ppg1timestampUnix time in msFWNumberms25HzOnly for 287-1
ppg1dateDate time of the measuremet in local timeAPPstringyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm25HzOnly for 287-1
ppg1ppgPPG green valueFWNumberNA25HzOnly for 287-1
ppg1accThe norm of the movement vectorFWNumberNA25HzNorm_of_d_acc[t] = sqrt(d_accX[t] * d_accX[t] + d_accY[t] * d_accY[t] + d_accZ[t] * d_accZ[t]);
ppg1bpmHeart rateFWNumberbpm25HzOnly for 287-1
ppg1bpm_qHeart rate quality indexFWNumber0-425Hz(0:very low, 1:low, 2:fair, 3:good, 4:very good)
ppg1crcRESERVED25HzOnly for 287-1
ppg1accxthe axis X accelerometer valuesNumbersee comment25Hz cw287-1: the range is -8g to +8g. the unit is 1/64 g per count
ppg1accythe axis Y accelerometer valuesNumbersee comment25Hz cw287-1: the range is -8g to +8g. the unit is 1/64 g per count
ppg1acczthe axis Z accelerometer valuesNumbersee comment25Hz cw287-1: the range is -8g to +8g. the unit is 1/64 g per count
ppg1data_source_idRESERVED25HzOnly for 287-1
ppg1from_old_dbRESERVED25HzOnly for 287-1
ppg2_green_6timeUnix time in msFWNumberms32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_green_6metric_id0x7EFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_green_6chunk_indexThe chunk index of the measurment. This field is used by Corsano Cloud to check the consistency of the collected data FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_green_6qualitySynchronisation flagFWNumber32Hz / 128Hz-1: indicates a jump in the data stream timestamps due to time synchronisation
other values: RESERVED
ppg2_green_6body_poseThe body position of the braceletFWNumberNA32Hz / 128Hz(0 unspecified, 1: left hand, 2:right hand)
ppg2_green_6led_pd_pos0x06FWNumberNA32Hz / 128Hzthis is a code defining the combination of PPG LED and PPG Photodiode used for a PPG measurement. we have 2 photodiodes and 2 leds for each color (2 green, 2 red, and 2 infrared). for example for infra-red, the metric id for the 2 channels of red is 0x7b, but one channel has the led_pd_pos of 22 (= 0x16 meaning that the infra-red led at position 1 o'clock and photodiode at position 6 o'clock is used), while the other infra-red channel has the led_pd_pos of 124 (=0x7C  meaning that the infra-red led at position 7 o'clock and photodiode at position 12 o'clock is used). The positions are defined as if the LEDs and photodiodes are mapped on a dial of a watch. the center green LEDs are marked 0 o'clock.
ppg2_green_6ledppg led power at the time of measurement. It is in percentage from 0 to 100FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_green_6gainthe ADC gain of the ppg at the time of the measurement. it can 1, 2 or 3.FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_green_6valueThe value of the PPG - Green channel 1FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_red_182timeUnix time in msFWNumberms32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_red_182metric_id0x7CFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_red_182chunk_indexThe chunk index of the measurment. This field is used by Corsano Cloud to check the consistency of the collected data FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_red_182qualitySynchronisation flagFWNumber32Hz / 128Hz-1: indicates a jump in the data stream timestamps
other values: RESERVED
ppg2_red_182body_poseThe body position of the braceletFWNumberNA32Hz / 128Hz(0 unspecified, 1: left hand, 2:right hand)
ppg2_red_182led_pd_pos0xB6FWNumberNA32Hz / 128Hzthis is a code defining the combination of PPG LED and PPG Photodiode used for a PPG measurement. we have 2 photodiodes and 2 leds for each color (2 green, 2 red, and 2 infrared). for example for infra-red, the metric id for the 2 channels of red is 0x7b, but one channel has the led_pd_pos of 22 (= 0x16 meaning that the infra-red led at position 1 o'clock and photodiode at position 6 o'clock is used), while the other infra-red channel has the led_pd_pos of 124 (=0x7C  meaning that the infra-red led at position 7 o'clock and photodiode at position 12 o'clock is used). The positions are defined as if the LEDs and photodiodes are mapped on a dial of a watch. the center green LEDs are marked 0 o'clock.
ppg2_red_182ledppg led power at the time of measurement. It is in percentage from 0 to 100FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_red_182gainthe ADC gain of the ppg at the time of the measurement. it can 1, 2 or 3.FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_red_182valueThe value of the PPG - Red channel 2FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_infra_red_22timeUnix time in msFWNumberms32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_infra_red_22metric_id0x7BFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_infra_red_22chunk_indexThe chunk index of the measurment. This field is used by Corsano Cloud to check the consistency of the collected data FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_infra_red_22qualitySynchronisation flagFWNumber32Hz / 128Hz-1: indicates a jump in the data stream timestamps
other values: RESERVED
ppg2_infra_red_22body_poseThe body position of the braceletFWNumberNA32Hz / 128Hz(0 unspecified, 1: left hand, 2:right hand)
ppg2_infra_red_22led_pd_pos0x16FWNumberNA32Hz / 128Hzthis is a code defining the combination of PPG LED and PPG Photodiode used for a PPG measurement. we have 2 photodiodes and 2 leds for each color (2 green, 2 red, and 2 infrared). for example for infra-red, the metric id for the 2 channels of red is 0x7b, but one channel has the led_pd_pos of 22 (= 0x16 meaning that the infra-red led at position 1 o'clock and photodiode at position 6 o'clock is used), while the other infra-red channel has the led_pd_pos of 124 (=0x7C  meaning that the infra-red led at position 7 o'clock and photodiode at position 12 o'clock is used). The positions are defined as if the LEDs and photodiodes are mapped on a dial of a watch. the center green LEDs are marked 0 o'clock.
ppg2_infra_red_22ledppg led power at the time of measurement. It is in percentage from 0 to 100FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_infra_red_22gainthe ADC gain of the ppg at the time of the measurement. it can 1, 2 or 3.FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_infra_red_22valueThe value of the PPG - Red channel 1FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzOnly for 287-2
ppg2_ambient_0timeUnix time in msFWNumberms32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_ambient_0metric_id0x7FFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_ambient_0chunk_indexThe chunk index of the measurment. This field is used by Corsano Cloud to check the consistency of the collected data FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_ambient_0qualityRESERVEDFW32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_ambient_0body_poseThe body position of the braceletFWNumber0-232Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_ambient_0ledppg led power at the time of measurement. It is in percentage from 0 to 100FWNumber%32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_ambient_0gainthe ADC gain of the ppg at the time of the measurement. it can 1, 2 or 3.FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_ambient_0valueThe value of the PPGFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_green_12timeUnix time in msFWNumberms32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_green_12metric_id0x7EFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_green_12chunk_indexThe chunk index of the measurment. This field is used by Corsano Cloud to check the consistency of the collected data FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_green_12body_poseThe body position of the braceletFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_green_12led_pd_pos0x0CFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_green_12ledppg led power at the time of measurement. It is in percentage from 0 to 100FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_green_12gainthe ADC gain of the ppg at the time of the measurement. it can 1, 2 or 3.FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_green_12valueThe value of the PPG - Green channel 2FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_infra_red_124timeUnix time in msFWNumberms32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_infra_red_124metric_id0x7BFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_infra_red_124chunk_indexThe chunk index of the measurment. This field is used by Corsano Cloud to check the consistency of the collected data FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_infra_red_124body_poseThe body position of the braceletFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_infra_red_124led_pd_pos0x7CFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_infra_red_124ledppg led power at the time of measurement. It is in percentage from 0 to 100FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_infra_red_124gainthe ADC gain of the ppg at the time of the measurement. it can 1, 2 or 3.FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_infra_red_124valueThe value of the PPG - InfraRed channel 1FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_red_92timeUnix time in msFWNumberms32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_red_92metric_id0x7CFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_red_92chunk_indexThe chunk index of the measurment. This field is used by Corsano Cloud to check the consistency of the collected data FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_red_92qualityRESERVEDFW32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_red_92body_poseThe body position of the braceletFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_red_92led_pd_pos0x5CFWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_red_92ledppg led power at the time of measurement. It is in percentage from 0 to 100FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_red_92gainthe ADC gain of the ppg at the time of the measurement. it can 1, 2 or 3.FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
ppg2_red_92valueThe value of the PPG - InfraRed channel 2FWNumberNA32Hz / 128HzRESERVED
bioztimestampUnix timestampFWNumberms25HzOnly for 287-2
biozdateDate in local timeAPPstringyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm25HzOnly for 287-2
biozmetric_id0x3DFWNumberNA25HzOnly for 287-2
biozchunk_indexThe chunk index of the measurment. This field is used by Corsano Cloud to check the consistency of the collected data FWNumberNA25HzOnly for 287-2
biozvalueSkin conductanceFWNumber100 pSiemens25HzOnly for 287-2
ecgtimestampUnix timestampFWNumberNA256HzOnly for 287-2
ecgmetric_id0x64FWNumberNA256HzOnly for 287-2
ecgchunk_indexThe chunk index of the measurment. This field is used by Corsano Cloud to check the consistency of the collected data FWNumberNA256HzOnly for 287-2
ecgvalueRESERVEDFW256HzOnly for 287-2
ecgecgECG signal in uV - ECG measurement is performed as spot measurement on request. Refer to IFU - Resolution is 0.5uVFWNumberuV256HzOnly for 287-2
blood pressuretimestamp startUnix timestamp - start measurementFWNumberms1/2hoursOnly for 287-2
blood pressuretimestamp stopUnix timestamp - stop measurementFWNumberms1/2hoursOnly for 287-2
blood pressuredpbDiastolic blood pressureFWNumbermmHg1/2hoursOnly for 287-2
blood pressuresbpSystolic blood pressureFWNumbermmHg1/2hoursOnly for 287-2
blood pressurequalityRESERVEDFW

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