
Articles in support of Corsano’s scientific approach.

Corsano system presentation to Imperial College

Corsano system presentation by Marjolein Muller

Corsano at Digital Implementation Summit

Corsano is exhibiting at the Pfizer Innovation Lab in Boston. From Clinical Trials to Clinical Use: Digital Measures in Clinical Research.

Automated cardiac arrest detection incorporated in a wristband

Survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest depends on immediate recognition and early cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Especially for unwitnessed cardiac arrest, survival chances are poor due to delays in receiving help. Automated cardiac arrest detection using wearables could facilitate early help.

Corsano EndoWatch; the smart device that helps patients with hormonal imbalance after treatment for a brain...

Hypothalamic dysfunction may not only cause obesity, but also causes chronic fatigue and headaches, due to the many (neuro)-endocrine imbalances, such as temperature dysregulation, sodium changes and difficulties in regulating the hydrocortisone. With the watch we aim to better detect such imbalances so that we can prevent its consequences and improve quality of life.

Corsano Health Joins SEARCH

The Synthetic hEalthcare dAta goveRnanCe Hub (SEARCH) aims to accelerate healthcare innovation by generating FAIRified synthetic data for use in AI/ML models

Corsano cooperates now with Roche Diagnostics

Corsano launched commercialization of its CardioWatch EU-MDR certified patient monitoring bracelet on cobas® pulse, a digitally enabled professional blood glucose management solution from Roche.

Corsano Health Winner at HIMSS! 

We are thrilled to announce that our CEO Peter Stas presented Corsano Health's innovative CardioWatch solution at HIMSS24 Startup Competition in Rome. This prestigious event showcases groundbreaking health tech and we are honored to be recognized among the best.

Corsano Health Receives FDA Clearance

Corsano Health is announcing that its CardioWatch 287-2 System received FDA Clearance.

Corsano CardioWatch Detects Cardiac Arrest

Collaborating researchers from Radboud University Medical Center, Erasmus MC, Reinier de Graaf Hospital, and Corsano Health have succeeded in reliably measuring whether a patient's circulation stops, as in the case of cardiac arrest.

Corsano at CiscoLive

Cisco and Corsano closely collaborated on the new Cisco Platform for In-Hospital Monitoring of patients. The revolutionary solution was showcased at Cisco Live 2024. The Corsano Bracelet streamed Vital Signs over BLE to Cisco’s latest router live at the Cisco Live event. We are proud to be Cisco’s Wearable Partner.

Cardiac Arrest Project Attracts Donations

Radboud University Medical Center (RadboudUMC) has initiated a donation campaign to support the DETECT Cardiac Arrest project. This vital initiative aims to enhance the detection and response strategies for cardiac arrests, potentially saving numerous lives.

Cuffless Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Research Presented at American Heart Association 2023 Scientific Sessions

Dr. Eelko Ronner PhD presented study findings from a collaboration with Reinier de Graaf Hospital that found Cuffless NIBP resulted in accurate prediction of blood pressure based on an AI Pulse Wave Analysis model.

Validation of a novel cuffless photoplethysmography-based wristband for measuring blood pressure according ...

August 28, 2023, the Research Team of Reinier de Graaf Hospital presented results of the Corsano Cuffless Non-Invasive Blood Pressure at the ESC in Amsterdam.

Corsano Health launches Cuffless Blood Pressure

Corsano Health is launching the company’s CardioWatch EU-MDR certified patient monitoring bracelet with Cuffless Non-Invasive Blood Pressure at ESC in Amsterdam…

Corsano & SepsisDialog won the 1st prize at healthcare hackathon

Sepsis is a life-threatening emergency. Under the leadership of Dr. Matthias Gründling, SepsisDialog has been working on the early detection and treatment of sepsis for about 30 years.

Corsano Health signs collaboration agreement with Roche Diagnostics enabling clinical insights in point-of-...

Corsano’s CardioWatch EU-MDR certified patient monitoring bracelet will connect to cobas® pulse, Roche’s digitally enabled professional blood glucose management solution, combining multiple health applications in one device.

Corsano Health CardioWatch 287-2 EU-MDR Certified

Corsano Health is launching the company’s second-generation EU-MDR wearable device that accurately measures eight vital parameters and makes raw PPG and ACC data available for further analysis by third party medical algorithm developers.

Parker Health x Corsano Health Partnership

Revolutionizing the use of patient centric data in correlating effective clinical outcomes.

Corsano Health in RTL News

This technology should save thousands of lives: recognise cardiac arrests and sound an alarm. Corsano Health CardioWatch in Radboudumc Cardiac Arrest Clinical Trial.

Corsano Health: Revolutionizing Continuous Remote Health Monitoring

As the benefits of remote patient monitoring (RPM) grow increasingly evident, wearable devices emerge as the revolutionary reformation of health assessment.

Smartwatch should save thousands of lives: recognize cardiac arrests and sound an alarm

Corsano Health CardioWatch in Radboudumc Cardiac Arrest Clinical Trial Every year, approximately 17,000 Dutch people suffer a cardiac arrest outside the hospital. 7000 to 8000 this happens without someone being there to alert the emergency services. Radboudumc in Nijmegen and Corsano Health are now working on a special smartwatch.

Corsano Health Receives EU-MDR Certification

Notified Body DARE!! Services B.V. declares that it has audited the quality assurance system in accordance with MDR Annex IX and that the relevant provisions of the Regulation 2017/745 dated May 5, 2017 concerning Medical Devices are fulfilled.

Medical Certification

We are happy to announce that Corsano Health B.V. is medically certified complying with Annex IX (MDR) and EN-ISO 13485 standards.

Corsano Health Wins Call Heart Foundation

We are proud to announce that the Dutch Heart Foundation awarded Corsano Health a development project to recognize cardiac arrest and alert emergency services. Survival of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) depends on early recognition of Cardiac Arrest and initiation of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).