Corsano CardioWatch Impact Framework

Corsano CardioWatch Impact Framework

Corsano CardioWatch Impact Framework This study’s objective is to assess the societal impact of the Corsano CardioWatch, which provides a non-invasive way of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), replacing more traditional, less precise, and uncomfortable...
Cuffless Non-Invasive Blood Pressure

Cuffless Non-Invasive Blood Pressure

Cuffless Non-Invasive Blood Pressure High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against the artery walls is high enough that it will eventually cause heart disease with a patient population of 300m+ across the EU...
Corsano Health launches Cuffless Blood Pressure

Corsano Health launches Cuffless Blood Pressure

Validation of a novel cuffless photoplethysmography-based wristband for measuring blood pressure according to the regulatory standard Corsano Health is launching the company’s CardioWatch EU-MDR certified patient monitoring bracelet with Cuffless Non-Invasive Blood...