Corsano CardioWatch Impact Framework

Corsano CardioWatch Impact Framework

Corsano CardioWatch Impact Framework This study’s objective is to assess the societal impact of the Corsano CardioWatch, which provides a non-invasive way of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), replacing more traditional, less precise, and uncomfortable...
Certified Software

Certified Software

Certified Software Corsano has medically certified it's new software platform under ISO 13485  and EU-MDR. Latest technologies have been applied and the Software Development Process has been meticulously documented for CE-MDR and FDA Certification.  Tim Lawton is...
PPG Accuracy

PPG Accuracy

PPG Accuracy The accuracy of Corsano CardioWatch 287 with pulse detection using photoplethysmography technology in cardiac patients was studied by S. Blok [1,2], M.A. Piek [1], I.I. Tulevski [1], G.A. Somsen [1], M.M. Winter [1,3]. In this single-centre prospective...
Corsano Health CardioWatch 287-2 EU-MDR Certified

Corsano Health CardioWatch 287-2 EU-MDR Certified

Corsano Health CardioWatch 287-2 EU-MDR Certified Corsano Health is launching the company’s second-generation EU-MDR wearable device that accurately measures eight vital parameters and makes raw PPG and ACC data available for further analysis by third party medical...