Corsano Health Winner at HIMSS! 

We are thrilled to announce that our CEO Peter Stas presented Corsano Health's innovative CardioWatch solution at HIMSS24 Startup Competition in Rome. 

This prestigious event showcases groundbreaking health tech and we are honored to be recognized among the best.

HIMSS24 in Rome is the most influential healtcare conference in Europe. HIMSS celebrated Corsano’s CardioWatch solution for delivering next-generation clinical decision support, empowering healthcare professionals with advanced tools to enhance decision-making. This innovation leads to more accurate diagnoses, efficient patient care and analytics to improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

The Corsano Bracelet is intended to continuously monitor physiological vital sign data: Pulse Rate (PR), oxygen saturation (SpO2), skin temperature (sTEMP) and activity (STEPS) and for intermittent monitoring of respiratory rate (RR) from the person being monitored and securely transmit the encrypted data via the Patient User App to the secure server.

The bracelet is intended for use in professional healthcare facilities, such as hospitals or skilled nursing facilities, or the home by trained healthcare professionals.

The Corsano CardioWatch 287-2 System is also integrated with third-party devices for displaying and monitoring physiological signs (spot monitoring of: non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP), lung function & spirometry (SPIRO), weight (WEIGHT) as well as continuous monitoring of axillary temperature (aTEMP).

"This achievement is a major milestone for Corsano Health in its mission to provide Continuous Patient Monitoring, Anytime, Anywhere." said Drs. Peter Stas, CEO of Corsano Health. 

Corsano’s vital signs algorithms, derived from real-world patient data, have been rigorously tested and validated against gold standards.

“We take pride in creating the Corsano CardioWatch Solution, delivering a proven and reliable digital health system that accelerates clinical trials and generates unparalleled insights to develop life-saving therapies faster.”

Corsano Cardiowatch 287-2 Bracelet