AF detection using Smartphone Apps

70 patients in an AF rhythm and 70 patients in sinus rhythm were recruited. Mean age was 73±12 (60% male) in the AF group, 59±20 in the sinus rhythm group (66% male). The BeatScanner app had a sensitivity of 89% (95% CI: 79-95%) and specificity of 67% (55- 78%). The Preventicus app had a sensitivity of 94% (86- 98%) and specificity of 96% (88-99%). There were 83/140 (59%) regular smartphone users, among whom 94% were interested in using their smartphone to self-screen for AF and 55% would pay for an app to do so. Almost all (96%) found the apps easy to use and 63% preferred the Preventicus app to the BeatScanner app. In a selected sample of hospital patients, the Preventicus app was more accurate for discriminating between AF and sinus rhythm than the BeatScanner app and was preferred by patients. Using the smartphones intrinsic function is a promising, simple and acceptable means of self-screening for AF
N. Karim 1; M. Aral 1; S. Eduawor 1; M. Finlay 1
1. Barts Heart Centre, London, United Kingdom
EP Europace, Volume 19, Issue suppl_3, June 2017, Page iii234