Corsano EndoWatch; the smart device that helps patients with hormonal imbalance after treatment for a brain tumor.
Research Summary
Children and adolescents with hypothalamic brain tumors often have excellent survival, but poor outcome due to hypothalamic dysfunction (HD). The hypothalamus is an endocrine (hormonal) organ and is located in the middle of the brain. The hypothalamus regulates the body's balance; the release of hormones, the day-night rhythm (sleep), body temperature, water and fat balance. Behavior and emotional regulation can also be affected due to damage to the connecting circuits between the hypothalamus and other areas of the brain. There is currently no treatment available for HD. Patients with HD are constantly hungry with slow fat burning and develop severe obesity. Patients ask for a 24/7 buddy to help them control their appetite and improve their healthy lifestyle. Patients do not feel the fluctuations in body temperature, stress level or sodium concentration in time; caregivers must act as their "external hypothalamus" to signal fluctuations in time and thus be able to correct them in time. For families this is a great burden and means 24/7 availability which is not always feasible. Many patients experience frequent and long-term physical complaints such as chronic fatigue, headaches and depression. In addition, many patients who have been treated for a tumor in the hypothalamic area have a visual impairment due to damage to the optic nerve which is located in the same area.
We evaluated the 1st year of the EndoWatch project and talked about our goals for year 2, in a team meeting in Geneva, visiting Corsano Health, impressed by the unique and refined Swiss Watch making.
So proud of the whole team! Thanks to funding by KWF and excellent collaboration between Corsano and TU/e we are developing the EndoWatch; a smart wearable that will act as "external hypothalamus" for children and adults with hypothalamic dysfunction.
In this 1st year of the project we have been designing and developing, with valuable input from the patients and many professionals involved. We hope to start the first studies in a small group of patients this year after which we can further improve the watch for further studies in 2025.
Hypothalamic dysfunction may not only cause obesity, but also causes chronic fatigue and headaches, due to the many (neuro)-endocrine imbalances, such as temperature dysregulation, sodium changes and difficulties in regulating the hydrocortisone. With the watch we aim to better detect such imbalances so that we can prevent its consequences and improve quality of life.
A huge thanks to everyone who is helping us in this project ! Especially the core-team: Sanne Hulsmann, Sarah Petras, Lu Yuan, Philippe Fraboulet, Yu Zhang.

Research direction/proposed solution
With advanced new technologies, a smart wearable device can be developed that will act as an "external hypothalamus". The device will be present 24/7, promote a healthy lifestyle and be able to provide distraction for appetite. It will monitor body temperature, stress, sleep, daily activity, sodium concentration, so that action can be taken 24/7 and in time. In addition, the new smart device can provide verbal signals to the visually impaired.
The quality of life of patients who have been treated for a hypothalamic brain tumor is severely hampered by constant appetite, obesity, low daily activity, poor sleep, and an unstable internal endocrine state (especially fluctuations in temperature, stress hormone and sodium concentration). This makes them feel chronically tired and do not function at school or at work. Due to obesity, they develop further health problems such as type 2 diabetes, breathing problems and heart disease. If the Corsano EndoWatch proves to be suitable and effective in children and adults with hypothalamic dysfunction, we can improve the health of this specific patient group. We expect to achieve health gains with this, as well as gains in the psychological field. Profits in both areas will have a positive impact on participation in school / work and society. In addition, with the results of this study we will be able to certify the EndoWatch for childhood and, after this study, we can, implement the Watch in care for other groups of children or young adults with or after cancer. We have shown in previous research that obesity and obesity are not only seen after treatment for these specific tumors, but overweight and obesity is a common problem with other childhood cancer survivors. The EndoWatch will therefore also be able to be used in the future for other groups of childhood cancer survivors at risk of overweight and / or inactivity and / or sleep problems. Finally, the EndoWatch can be used for future research into improving activity and sleep during and after treatment for childhood cancer.
Research questions
Can the pre-existing certified CardioWatch287-2 be "converted" into a smart new device that acts as "external hypothalamus" called the Corsano EndoWatch, by adding an application that helps with unrestrained appetite, which stimulates movement, that temperature, monitors stress and sleep and makes special noises for people with a visual impairment?.
Is it feasible for patients with HD to wear the Corsano EndoWatch after treatment of a brain tumor and are we able to take measurements that we want?
Is wearing the Corsano EndoWatch effective? Does it affect BMI, activity, sleep, stability of body temperature, fatigue, headache and quality of life?
Is there a technique with which the serum sodium can be measured 24/7 and could it be added to the EndoWatch in the future ?
Research design
Together with the Corsano company, we will develop a new smart portable device that can act as "external hypothalamus". This "wearable" is based on the existing, certified CardioWatch287-2 and will be called the Corsano EndoWatch. This device can measure 24/7 temperature, stress, sleep and activity, has an application that stimulates movement and which gives distraction when eating and has the possibility to make special sounds for people with a visual impairment (year 1)
The feasibility of wearing the Corsano EndoWatch in the patients (children and adults) will be investigated (years 2-3), after which its effectiveness will be investigated in 50 patients (children and adults) (years 3-4-5).
A project group will be started to develop a technique for continuous sodium measurements, for future add-on on the EndoWatch (years 2-5).
Expected outcomes
Development of the Corsano EndoWatch, certified for 18 + and 18- (pediatric care). This wearable can be used in future studies as well as in the care of (pediatric) oncology to improve activity and sleep during and after cancer treatment.
Improvement of the outcome of patients with regard to BMI, activity, sleep and fluctuations in temperature and stress hormone levels after brain tumor treatment.
A new technique for continuous sodium measurements in patients with fluctuating sodium levels.
Description steps required to implement results
If wearing the EndoWatch proves feasible at childhood, we will be able to certify the EndoWatch after this study. After certification, we will conduct further larger (international) studies to confirm our results in children and young adults with hypothalamic damage after treatment for a brain tumor. In addition, the EndoWatch, if it is certified for use at childhood, are implemented in the care of all children with cancer in the Princess Maxima Center for improving a healthy lifestyle during and after treatment for childhood cancer.